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December 2011

Latest Fashon Hairstyle 2012 Trends

The world of latest fashion trends 2012 with their collection of bright Spring 2012 hypnotically was seen on the Milan runway d & g. Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana, d & g Dolce & Gabbana announced merger with the main line, but the collection stage, made sure the right tag Output an optimistic one.

Monochrome tones printed text and chaotic, animal prints, hanging, together with the liquid, blow dried hair. Although the wound dries advertise with exceptionally at ease and easy to achieve, in fact, there are very conflicting. It is important for optimal reflection in the roots and to ensure that the soft waves of the frame in the face.









To save your hair linked to anxiety, her hair is the mastermind behind the Redken divided his team tips to get "a gorgeous blow-out".

Follow the step by step how to guide, after the break in. If you want to make sure that the do not miss any other guide shows us trends in hair 2012, you can subscribe to the newsletter or RSS feed.

Consultant in creative, Guido ridkine, says "this style seems effortless but requires several steps to ensure the flow of the hair on the runway".

Instant Tutorial Hijab

Jalan-jalan di beranda Facebook,
Eh...nemu gambar bagus dari fanpagenya Moshaict
Tutorial hijab yang simpel dan gampang banget di contek......tapi hasilnya cantik....

gampang banget kan, tutorialnya,
gak ada lima menit deh, untuk bisa tampil stylist dengan Hijab,

Outfitnya terkesan kayak wanita berambut panjang yang sedang menyibakkan rambutnya ke samping,
Mau di coba??

Trend Fashion 2012

Girl, banyak yang bilang tahun 2012 akhir dari kehidupan semua manusia, atau banyak yang menyebutnya sebagai tahun yang sakral......
Kita para Hijab Girl, gak percaya kan, sama yang begituan,
Hari kiamat itu, Wallahua'lam bisshowab.....
jadi yang terpenting, kita persiapkan saja amal yang cukup ajha,,,
Kembali lagi ke masalah fashion,
Kalau di tahun 2011, fashion trend kita kelewat kaku, kabanyakan bergaya ala korea, dan retro tahun 1970an,
ataupun gaya chic ala artis seperti Lady gaga,

Kenapa kita gak coba yang santai-santai saja,
lepaskan semua kekauan itu,
Mungkin menggunakan long sleeve shirt yang simple atau bermotif dengan bermacam varian warna, di mix skirt, berlayer, lebih kelihatan simple kan?,
daripada baju, baggy, yang kalau kena  angin, berkibar seperti layangan,
Intinya, gosipnya tahun 2012 ini, tingglkan baju yang memiliki siluet terlalu ribet,
"Simple it's ok"

Agak bersyukur, karena kabarnya, yang namanya skiny pants, legging, udha mulai di tinggalkan,
dan berganti dengan celana dengan boot cut.......Untuk Dress atau gown, juga ambil saja yang bersiluet sederhana, dengan aksen yang simple.........

Kalau menurut saya, di pandang dari hijab style,
fashion trend 2012, insyallah, bisa di adaptasi dengan mudah oleh para hijaber,
Maxi skirt, Long wide pants, long sleeve shirt, merupakan item wajib untuk anda,
It's time to Enjoy........^^

Colour of Fashion Trend in 2012

Oh.......Deg, degan nih menjelang pergantian tahun..........
Kira",  Trend Fashion Hijabnya makin seru gak yha, hi i^^
Terus terang, baru setahun ini saya menggemari trend hijab style, jadi saya belum terlalu paham dan mafhum, tentang perkiraan trend hijab fashion, di 2012 mendatang,
tahun 2011, saya cukup menikmati dengan hijab style yang berkembang,
karena outfitnya yang Baggy, plus....kelihatan calm,
Di dominasi oleh warna" calm , seperti warna pastle, choral, atau classic,
Nah, apakah ditahun 2012 ini, akan samakah?
Atau, malah berbeda 180%
mengapa kita harus mengindahkan perkembangan trend warna?
Karena ketika melihat suatu objek, sesuatu yang di tangkap oleh indra penglihatan kita adalah warna,
dari jarak dekat, jauuuh.....warna yang paling gampang di tangkap oleh mata kita,
Juga bisa dijadikan patokan nih, buat sista-sista yang ingin membeli baju baru untuk menyambut Tahun baru ini,
Berikut warna-warna yang diramalkan akan ngetrend di tahun 2012.....

Hm.......koleksi Spring Summer colour 2012.....
menurut kalian gak beda jauh kan, sama Trend colour tahun lalu,
Mungkin sekarang, lebih kelihatan "Ngejreng" ha a,
(Mungkin udha pada bosen, dengan warna calm, dan ingin mengganti image tahun ini lebih ceria, dengan warna" yang ngejreng pula)
Tapi sih, girl......
Fashion trend pasti akan berputar-putar dengan siklus waktu tertentu,
yang paling terpenting adalah, 
bagaimana kita bisa nyaman dengan apa yang kita pakai,
Salam Hijab Girl...............

Hmb....wajah kamu, mirip artis siapa yha....?

Baru ajha silahturahmi ke blog teman, yaitu SuperQ311's Super Blog
Eh, nemuin posting bagus, tentang mesin yang bisa mengukur kemiripan kamu dengan artis.........
ha a,
menarik bukan, ?
Aku juga sempat nyobain, 
Pertama kali nyoba mirip Justin Bieaber, mirip juga Halle Berry...ah, gak tahu juga sih....mirip artis siapa,
(Tapi, aku lebih membela diri, bahwa aku mirip Ayah dan Ibuku, OK?)
Mau coba?
Caranya gampang banget,
kamu tinggal pergi ke website ini Potoscape face search
Upload Foto,
Terus, lihat deh, artis siapa saja yang mirip kamu........

Selamat mencoba,

Fashion And Casino

If we talk about latest fashion trend then many things comes in our mind. We start to think about fashion outlets, fashion world and fashion show. In fashion show we come across to latest and new fashion trends. People are more conscious about their cloths, hair style, footwear and many more things. Young generation is always very eager to follow the new fashion trends and we can see they  use to apply it first.

Now-a-days its very common to see boys and girls in clubs, discos or at any music festival and they follow their music or film star as their idol. So its not surprising that they even follow clothes and other dressing accessories used by their star. Due to this they get involve in clubs and hotels. We know many clubs and hotels offer casino facilities. Now a days even some hotels or casino also use dressing code for their parties. And only those people who are in dressing codes allow to enter Las Vegas Casinos.

Youth start to play these gambling games for fun. There are many High Fashion lottery games where you can play the High Fashion scratch cards game for free in practice mode at VIP casino. There are two options for players: first one is play these games for free of cost and second if you want to earn some money then also gambling games will help you. So we can see how fashion trend comes in contact with these gambling games, casino, and scratch card games.

There are many fashion items which come in fashion accessories like cloths, jewelry, handbags, hats, belts, scarves, watches, glasses, pins, stockings, leggings, ties. There are many products which change according to fashion. If we talk about mobiles we can see many new models come in market to attract customers. Some leading online gaming company launched brand new products for its customers - Virgin Casino Mobile. Our choices changes with fashion.

Beware girl...dengan Trend Hijab!!!

Baru-baru ini saya meihat sebuah gambar unik di  sebuah group facebook yang saya ikuti : Hijab
Gambar ini sangat menarik perhatian saya, sekaligus membuat saya termenung cukup lama, hi i.......
Penasaran, seperti apa sih, gambarnya,
Ok, saya kasih liha deh........

Gambar yang menarik bukan?
saya termenung karena MUNGKIN, saya pernah menjadi sisi yang sebelah kanan, dan juga sisi sebelah kiri,
Memang susah, setiap berpakaian saya mencoba stylist (Maksudnya agar bisa menunjukkan, ini loh, muslimah, rapi anggun, dan enak di pandang), namun tetap mempertahankan nilai-nilai syar'inya,
itu merupakan dua hal yang sangat sulit untuk di padukan, (Mungkin saling bertentangan)
Tapi saya percaya, pasti ada jalan untuk memadukan keduanya,
Walaupun mungkin butuh waktu,
Mungkin ini bisa dijadikan pelajaran buat kita kaum muslimah sekaligus peringatan,

Kalau tampil stylist dengan hijab, 
itu sudah biasa,
Tapi gimana kalau Stylist with Syar'i?
Yhuk, kita buktikan,
bahwa muslimah juga bisa tampil stylist, modis, namun syar'i.....

Salam Hijab girl...........

Rufaidah binti Sa’ad, Perawat Islam Pertama

Karena saya bergelut langsung dengan dunia kesehatan, saya selalu mencoba memadukan ilmu kesehatan denga sunah-sunah nabi...dan Hmbt......ternyata ada keterkaitan yang saaling mendukung antara keduanya,
Hmbt, Tapi baru-baru ini nemuain sejarah unik tentang Perawat muslimah pertama, Yhuk, kita intip sejarah dan biografi singkatnya,
 Rufaidah binti Sa’ad merupakanperawat muslim pertama di zaman Rasulullah SAW. Wanita berhati mulia inibernama lengkap Rufaidah binti Sa’ad Al Bani Aslam Al Khazraj. Beliau lahir diYastrib dan tinggal di Madinah. Rufaidah termasuk kaum Anshar, yaitu golonganyang pertama kali menganut Islam di Madinah. Rufaidah mempelajari ilmukeperawatan saat ia bekerja membantu ayahnya yang berprofesi sebagai seorangdokter.
Menurut Prof. Dr. Omar Hasan Kasule, Sr, dalam studi Paper Presentedat the 3rd International Nursing Conference “Empowerment and Health: An Agendafor Nurses in the 21st Century” yang diselenggarakan di Brunei Darussalam 1-4Nopember 1998, Rufaidah adalah perawat profesional pertama dimasa sejarahIslam. Beliau hidup di masa Nabi Muhammad SAW di abad pertama Hijriah/abad ke-8Sesudah Masehi, dan diilustrasikan sebagai perawat teladan, baik dan bersifatempati. Rufaidah seorang pemimpin, organisatoris, mampu memobilisasi danmemotivasi orang lain. Dan digambarkan pula memiliki pengalaman klinik yangdapat ditularkan kepada perawat lain, yang dilatih dan bekerja dengannya. Diatidak hanya melaksanakan peran perawat dalam aspek klinikal semata, namun jugamelaksanakan peran komunitas dan memecahkan masalah sosial yang dapatmengakibatkan timbulnya berbagai macam penyakit. Rufaidah adalah publichealth nurse dan socialworker, yang menjadi inspirasi bagi profesi perawat di dunia Islam.
Ketika perang Badr, Uhud, Khandaq, dan perang khaibar, Rufaidahmenjadi sukarelawan yang merawat sahabat yang terluka akibat perang. Beberapakelompok wanita dilatihnya untuk menjadi perawat. Dalam perang Khaibar, merekaminta ijin kepada Rasulullah Muhammad SAW, untuk ikut di garis belakangpertempuran agar dapat merawat mereka yang terluka, dan Rasulullah SAWmengijinkannya. Ketika damai, Rufaidah membangun tenda di luar Masjid Nabawiuntuk merawat kaum muslimin yang sakit. Kemudian berkembang, dan berdirilahRumah Sakit lapangan yang terkenal saat perang, dan Rasulullah SAW sendiri memerintahkansahabat yang terluka dirawat olehnya. Tercatat pula dalam sejarah saat perangGhazwat al Khandaq, Sa’ad bin Ma’adh yang terluka dan tertancap panah ditangannya, dirawat oleh Rufaidah hingga stabil/homeostatis.
Rufaidah memiliki kepribadian luhur dan empati yang memberikanpelayanan keperawatan dengan baik pada para sahabat terluka. Sentuhan sisikemanusiaan merupakan hal yang sangat penting bagi seorang perawat, sehinggaperkembangan sisi tehnologi dan kemanusiaan (humantouch) berjalan seimbang. Rufaidah juga sebagai pemimpin danpencetus Sekolah Keperawatan pertama di dunia Islam. Beliau juga merupakanpenyokong advokasi pencegahan penyakit (preventif care) dan menyebarkan pentingnya penyuluhankesehatan.
Dalam sejarah Islam mencatat beberapa nama yang bekerja bersamaRufaidah seperti: Ummu Ammara, Aminah binti Qays al Ghifariyat, Ummu Ayman,Safiyat, Ummu Sulaiman, dan Hindun.

Hairstyles 2011-2012 Haircuts Fashion Trends-2012 Hairstyles Pictures

Get the latest new hair 2012 for the New Year! Here you can get the latest hair styles 2011, new tips and hair images of 2012.

As it is known that hair and latest fashion trends switch from 30 days to 30 days, season, period and the period of the year! And while observing the changes in the design of our preferred designers and Superstar, often we can be, what happen to common projects in the coming months. Then what will be in the new period of 2012?

2012 hair is about small, strong and powerful. The present day the Lady is a flexhble, his appearance to his style, which is absolutely Hairstyles are tendency is tapered and laminating, powerful and fragile, which consists of peace and mixed colors.
Hairstyles 2012: Braids and plaits:

In 2012 the hair are complete and mix effects and designs with a combination of elegant and provocation. Appearance becomes Ethereal laminating and mysterious, unusual or mathematics. Various programmers are overlapping and mix gently with fake simplexes to improve functions. Poker immediately look is out. So trade in your homes to increased amount of products and wheels. Be natural and create the ocean.

2012 Shorter hairstyles will be common again!

One of the first things of note is that hair is becoming smaller. During this period, shorter hair is a study in contradiction; an amazing blend of stylish and different, if you want to put it this way, with a touch of Madam and edgy. Most females seem scared of short hair because they are quite uncertain that they examine the end with tips and honest Court immediately. But if it is done right, you would end up with the coolest short hair. The trend for the super-long hair seems to be called again somewhat, although – as always – there are conditions. Where, until now, most females were having done of plug-ins and growing your hair like mad to get the super-long, super-straight designs, moderately-long the half length hair seems to be coming our way. Hairstyles at these programs range from loving and ugly to luxurious and present day, according to the individuals choices.

Fringe with a Beat: Hair designs 2012:

This is another item on heat until 2012. You can add style or provides the report with the terminals. Make your own customizations and go to the guidelines, which have its own individuality and experience features. You can use the multiple selection of elegant and thin, uneven recreation tips and powerful strong collections — are all certain is hot. Edge is all about fun is attractive and is the user.

Hairstyles 2012: Elegant Bob haircuts:

Back in the scene again, cut bob must have evolved into powerful visual images and describes the mix of different collections. As part of the design theme, the bobs have come as the preferred choice, especially bobs hits that feature as part of the design. Asymmetry is the order of the day with a side length; or you can go up again (short) and lower front (again). Don't be afraid to slowly but surely the mix program, adding a number of the sheets or stick to one size of slash, if it is more convenient.

2012 Hairstyles trends: Straight Hair Gives Way to Curls:

Speaking of the ocean, expect to see a lot more bad designs in the buy. Attract luxury flat-ironed out and immediately find friends passing era, the way for a huge range of fun and Iris. Look for ugly hair, smooth flows control models and loving even collapsed. Curls are back and better than ever.

Layered Dark-colored Pixie: Haircuts 2012:

In 2012, the Great Schism of dark-colored Peaks hair really becomes a lady with black hair and tends to reveal the best features with slightly covers the problems with the view. This flexible design and easy to change a piece of hair you can get a whole new look. The letters are ideal for adding color features for your hair to improve your personality, or simply in order to submit your hair added.

To find and obtain more new modern 2012 hair, we have updated the new hair pictures for you.

Celebrity Engagement Ring Trends

The celebrity engagement ring trend as of late has been ‘the bigger the better’ when it comes to diamonds.

Movie Stars

Actress Jessica Alba was seen showcasing a huge rock with a platinum band. Her fiancé Cash Warren is living up to his name by spending some serious cash on this ring.

Basketball Wives

Giovanni Fortes, the new wife of Rashard Lewis of the Washington Wizards, went against the grain with a smaller ring. They had been a long-time couple before deciding to take the next step and Giovanni has a simple ring that still looks great (and they look very happy).

No Business Like Show Business

Sean Carter, better known as Jay-Z, spent $5 million on this great piece of jewelry. The ring is a flawless 18 carats in an emerald cut. If diamonds are a girl’s best friend, then Beyonce’s diamond is the kind who would drive across town in her Porsche to pick you up for your manicure.

The latest fashion trend for celebrity engagement rings is definitely that bigger is better, but the average person can’t even think about spending that much on a ring. Some of these rings cost more than a lot of couples will make over the course of five years combined, maybe more. While it may be fun to keep track of what the celebs are doing, there are great diamond options in every price range

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